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Vision: Create a World that Works Better Mission: Empower Professionals to Develop Talent in the Workplace

ATD Tulsa June 2015 Program - "Round Table Discussions"

  • June 12, 2015
  • 11:30 AM - 1:15 PM
  • OSU Tulsa, North Hall Conference Center: Room 140


  • Reservations cannot be cancelled after headcount is provided to the facility. Payment is due even for "no-shows."
  • Regular Meal Option. Reservations cannot be cancelled after headcount is provided to the facility. Payment is due even for "no-shows."

Registration is closed

June 12, 2015 -- 11:30 a.m. -1:15 p.m.

OSU Tulsa, North Hall Conference Center: Room 140

700 N Greenwood Ave, Tulsa, OK  74106

Registrations for the program with the meal must be made by Monday, June 8th.

"Lessons Learned from ATD's International Conference and Exposition"

Presented by Adam Barrow and Lorinda Schrammel

Over 10,000 of the world's leading learning and talent development professionals attended the 2015 ATD International Conference and Exposition in Orlando in May. Two members of the Tulsa ATD chapter attended this year's conference.  Adam Barrow of Cherokee Nation Businesses and Lorna Schrammel of Oklahoma State University will present some of the emerging ideas and themes from this year's conference that are applicable to all types of business and organizations. Come prepared for an informative and interactive learning session!

Adam Barrow: Cherokee Nation Businesses

Lorinda Schrammel: Oklahoma State University

The purpose of this session is to provide the Tulsa talent development community to the international talent development conversation. The meeting will be both informative and engaging.

So, bring your notepads and don't be afraid to ask lots of questions! 

To register click here.

The Tulsa Chapter of the Association for Talent Development


P.O. Box 33351 Tulsa, OK 74153-3351

Tulsa Chapter ChIP Code 7015

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